
This Chilling Air

So I'm currently working on this animation in my free time and in my Advanced 2D Animation class. It's all my story, and it's supposed to be a pretty fly music video type of deal in the end. It's going to be shaded with screentones and hopefully look pretty sick. I spent all of this last month working on the Production StoryBoards for this and have them ready to show. Click the title of this blog post in order to download the PDF containing all the boards. It's a large file, so bear with me. I put a ton of time into it so please check it out!


This Fall's Animations!

So I did a ton of work this fall on a few animations. Check 'em out! I am working on finishing two of these. The music video needs to be completed, and I have a bunch more of it done. The lip sync drawn animation is in the process of being completed as well. If you watch the Drawn Stuff collage of my hand-drawn works, you can get a glimpse of the work flow I work at. Concept, timing, blocking, etc, that I go through to get the final product. It will be finished and colored when complete. Please enjoy!


Serious Updates

Ok, so seriously guys, I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog, mostly because of my other portfolio sites, however, I do have an audience here and this just looks nice and calm and it's just me, no one else. I'm going to try to do better like the rest of you out there. So some serious updates. I've cleaned up the blog. Some image links were broken and I fixed them. I also got rid of the writing portions because we've been done with that for a while now and it's just me. So, I'm going to post some things I did over last summer. These were all done during a live show, and I feel they should be on here. Click the images for bigger sizes!