
First Demo Reel

Watch it on YouTube in HD!! I need some serious critique guys.


  1. I think the length is good. A lot of student reels run two or three minutes, and from what I've been learning keeping it under 1:30 is the way to go (sort of goes with the whole "cut everything but your best work" idea). In my option the after effects streetfighter one is a bit long right now, I think you could cut a few seconds on that guy. Also, there's some head and tail on some other shots (like your 3D environments final) which could be trimmed up to make the shots flow together better.

    You might want to consider doing a couple modified versions of your reel if you're applying for a specific internship; like if you're at a place where you'll be doing illustration work, take out some of the stuff that isn't as well designed (like the animated ball with the tail) and maybe add in some 2D stills. Even if something looks good in another area, if doesn't pertain at all to the position you're applying for it may end up hurting your reel. So just think about making a reel as specific as you can to the company you're applying for.

    On the other hand, having a more general reel like this is good if you're looking at a smaller studio where you might be doing a variety of things. It just depends on the company.

  2. Hey, thanks for the awesome comment. That seems to be what a lot of people are saying, but you've summed up everything rather nicely. They just can't seem to word it like you do to where it actually makes sense. I am really trying to go for the MediaSauce internship right now and from what I hear they're more of a general studio that does a lot of 3D work and design type stuff, that's why I went with the 3D ones and Motion Graphics pieces the most.

    I think this reel flows together kind of nicely altogether. I do think I need to go back and tweak some things. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Yeah man, for sure...it's definitely not my information, but stuff I've also been hearing from other people the past few months. Good luck on the internship!

  4. I think ya might want to cut the part with the floating windows, it doesn't really sell me on your skills ya know? the stuff towards the end and in the beginning is much more interesting.
